The idea motivating and uniting the project partners was the intention to create a promotional album presenting various aspects of cultural heritage of their countries and particularly their regions and to promote them internationally. By working on this idea partners achieved their second aim, which is increasing the students' interest in learning foreign languages with particular focus on English as well as increasing and developing the interest in the use of ICTs and modern technologies. In this way partners facilitated their students further educational and professional chances on the labour market.
Partners in this project observed similar needs and applied proper expertise and involved external experts to achieve the project aims.
The project taught students how to apply modern technologies related to photography and photos edition in a practical way to promote the beauty and cultural heritage of their own and partner countries’ regions and allowed to observe various cultural traditions and behaviours. Most of project work, was done in English locally and its effects were shared during mobilities which were further improved as a result of LTTs with experts. The project was divided into five stages (instead of six as the Swedish partner stepped out of the project), each dealing with concrete steps of education and preparation of materials for the mentioned album as well as with national / regional cultural heritage of host countries.
1 Photography basics. Heritage of Romania
2 Photo taking and editing training. Heritage of Lithuania
3 Descriptions in the album and photos editing. Heritage of Italy
4 Album edition. Heritage of Turkey
5 Heritage of Poland. Album - the final product.
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